Urban Palate is a food, restaurant and travel website dedicated to share and enlighten on taste, history and adventure. The details of the written word are honest, serious and hopefully entertaining. The mission of this website is to bring to light the food, restaurant scene, culture and tourism while being a trusted source for locals, tourists and food enthusiasts.
Urban Palate is known for its detailed, well researched approach towards the subjects discussed. You will find recommendations on events, restaurants, dishes and all food related matters within this site.
Hello there! Thank you for stumbling into my website. My name is Hilary [He-lery (not He-Larry)] as you can tell from the title. I'm an adventurous food enthusiast with the knack for talking about food and one who finds solace in the written word. I've got an unstoppable love for food and the need to know about the things that play on my taste-buds. Most importantly, the love to share, learn and excite those around me the way I myself am excited about all food related things around me.
I've started this website as a means to defeat the word limit that pertains most social websites and to provide a space where all foodies may share and learn about all the kinds of food around us! For now, I've only been able to write and share about the immediate ventures in Kuching but I hope you'll read about my adventures when I've ventured out. Don't worry, ya'll will be the first to read about it.
So far, I've currently had the pleasure to work with Julian Sim, one of the most talented photographers that I know. When he opens up a website or company that deals with photography, this website will feature it. Till then, I'm enjoying having him on board!